Add to the open source community while changing user experience and interaction with your online presence by adding custom functionality to your site. In this 2-hour hands-on workshop Buckeye Interactive’s experienced developers will teach you how to create a Drupal Module.
Requirements to attend this workshop:
- Basic Drupal experience is required
- Basic PHP experience is required
- Basic Drupal development or theming experience is helpful but not required
Please bring with you to the workshop:
- Domain Registrar, FTP and WordPress Administrator usernames and passwords for your WordPress site, or select a different option below
Hosting options:
- Bring FTP and Drupal Administrator username and password to the workshop
- We will register your domain name and set up a new Drupal site for you for an additional $150 includes*
- One year of domain registration and hosting
- You may purchase your own domain name hosting account through, DreamHost, MediaTemple, ICDSoft or another hosting company
- We can create a temporary site (deleted post-workshop) you can practice on*
*Option 2 and Option 4 Hosting Options require 24 hours advance notice
*Includes lunch