Recap: Ohio Growth Summit 2013

Last week I had the privilege of attending the 9th annual Ohio Growth Summit to sit in on valuable presentations and represent the Buckeye Interactive team. It was my first time attending OGS and it was quite a rewarding experience.

After arriving bright and early, a light breakfast buffet was provided and networking commenced. We set up the Buckeye Interactive table and got settled in as the opening keynote speaker began our day. The day was full of presentations from several local speakers, networking, lunch, and sharing information at company tables. Though I won’t highlight every presentation I attended, below are summaries from the larger presentations.


S. Anthony Iannarino

I don’t mean to exaggerate, but at 8:30 a.m. I was already blown away by our first speaker. What happened to saving the best for last?

By the end of the day, I had been convinced that being knowledgeable in the area of sales is definitely a key trait for any entrepreneur. Anthony travels the globe to give presentations just like the one he gave us. Also the author of The Sales Blog, he provides an archive of daily blog posts from the past four years up to date. He is a wealth of information and he wants to share it all.


Tidbits & Tips from “Creating Value for Your Customers”

  • The purpose of a business is to create a customer.
  • It’s all about customers and making them better.
  • What people value most is value.
  • If you create value, you are entitled to keep a portion of the value you create.
  • Create so much value that no one will object to paying you.


Why Entrepreneurs Fail

  • They run out of cash.
  • They don’t believe they’re in sales.
  • They don’t acquire clients fast enough.


There are only 3 ways to grow a business:

  • Acquire new clients
  • Sell more to existing clients
  • Raise your prices


3 Business Rules

  1. Better before cheaper.
  2. Revenue before cost.
  3. There are no other rules- change anything you cal to follow rules 1 and 2.

Thanks for an engaging presentation and for helping us begin our journey to sales!

Heather Whaling

Heather, an already busy woman and a mother-to-be, spoke about entrepreneurs defining their all. It was undeniably obvious how independent, determined, and hard working she is. She shared information that most speakers don’t include in their presentations- how to balance your life, decide what you want out of it, and how to get it. Many of us get so caught up in how to maintain our work lives that we forget there must be a balance- a happy and comfortable balance, especially.


Tips & Tidbits

  • Define your all. Don’t let others define it for you.
  • “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” -Simon Sinek
  • The road bends. Bend with it or fall off the bridge.
  • “As soon as we realize what enough looks like, we become rich.”


What do I do after I Define My All?

  • Identify mentors who share your all.
  • Embrace the crazy.
  • Know when enough is enough.
  • Live life on your terms.
  • Life is not either/or. It’s a series of ands.

Heather provided the perfect balance between keynote speakers by reminding us to create a balance between our business and personal lives.

For more information on Heather and her PR tricks, visit @prtini,, or Geben Communication (her company).

Amber MacArthur

To top off the day, Amber Mac drove all the way from Canada to speak to us about adaptation in a digital age. She had enough faith in herself to go after her own dreams and ideas and worked hard to achieve them. While watching several fascinating YouTube videos of past and present ads/commercials, Amber shared critical steps to take in order to adapt in a digital age.


10 Steps to Adapting in A Digital Age

  1. Protect your online reputation (use Google Alerts to keep track)
  2. Think before you tweet: don’t say something you will regret.
  3. Showcase your personality: always incorporate your personality into your social profiles.
  4. Be sensitive about timing: watch your wording and sales pitches according to what is going on in the world.
  5. Embrace the pivot: adapt to your surroundings and your niche.
  6. Leverage visual social media: use LOTS of images on social media sites.
  7. Build a community of like-minded people.
  8. Go mobile: switch your website to responsive design or develop an app
  9. Choose a few good apps to use
  10. Update-update-update!

I’m always seeking information on how I can better interact through social media. Thanks to Amber Mac for being helpful and fun while sharing valuable information with us. For more information, vist @ambermac or  for more information.

All this information and more was shared at the event. It’s safe to say that if you didn’t attend the 9th annual Ohio Growth Summit, then you should definitely consider attending the 10th.

For more information on how Buckeye Interactive participated in OGS, check out their website design and a summary of Brad’s presentation.

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