Our Culture

Impact and innovation:
it’s who we are.

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What’s the impact?

It’s the question we ask ourselves every time we start a new project. It’s how we approach each decision we make as a company. It guides us as we consider new partners and teammates.

How can we make the best possible impact?

It all goes back to our core values of ingenuity, initiative, and collaboration. In order to truly live by these values, we need to create an environment in which they can thrive, and a culture that can promote positive change in our communities.

Buckeye culture isn’t just the words you’re reading on this screen. It’s also how we live our lives, interact with others, and engage with our communities. Beyond that, it’s a sense of belonging, and making sure people know they’re cared for and valued. Because only then can we innovate together and make the best impact.

It’s about being more than a team: it’s about being a force for good.

The important pieces that make up our whole.


We trust our team and their expertise. And we trust our clients and their expertise. More than that, we respect each other. And that belief in each other as people, and in each other’s abilities, helps us all grow and thrive.


We know that without open, honest communication, we can’t move forward as a society. So we apply transparency to every aspect of our work and our organization – what you see is what you get. Transparency and trust are tightly woven together, and without one, you can’t have the other.


We love all of our differences, and we embrace them. We’re not only allowed to be ourselves–we’re encouraged to be nothing less. We believe with our whole hearts that we each have a unique, important role to play, and our differences weave together into a beautiful tapestry.


We’re the type of people who like to think outside the box. We know that what works for one may not work for another, so we’re constantly evolving, learning, challenging, and exploring. With this, we work hard to foster an environment where creativity can flourish.


We understand that the work we do doesn’t just impact us and our clients, but also our communities as a whole. We’re intentional in how we operate, we choose and support partners who mirror our values, and we’re always thinking through how we can make the most positive impact. Beyond that, we’re individually involved and engaged, each playing our part in the bettering of communities.


Life happens, and even the best laid plans can run amok. So we adapt and flow as things come, both with our clients and our teammates. This flexibility thus allows for creativity and free thinking, and relieves stress, resulting in a better overall outcome for everyone.


Life is about balance, and in order to be at the top of our game at work, we need to have a good balance at home. That’s why not only do we work remotely, but we have a 4-day workweek. In short, when our team is more balanced and fulfilled, our work is better. It’s that simple.


What’s the point of anything if you’re not having fun? Very simply, we love what we do, and we intentionally bring people onto our team who love what they do too. We enjoy each other’s company, and make sure there’s an element of play to our work. Whether we’re having a virtual happy hour, an in-person gathering, or a meeting with clients–we have fun!

To say we’re proud of who we are would be an understatement.

We’re proud of our team, of their unique qualities, their ideas, their work ethic, and what they bring to the table. And we’re proud of our clients, of their achievements, and their positive impact on their communities. We’re always excited to find more people we can be proud of–whether it’s by working with us on a project, or as a part of the team. So, here’s the real question: are you ready to make an impact with us?

Here’s some light reading to help you dive even deeper into Buckeye Innovation’s culture.

Buckeye Innovation team members sitting around a table enjoying a meal outdoors
Our company culture is based on employee support and embracing community.
The 2024 Buckeye Innovation Team dressed in matching shirts
The Buckeye Innovation team gathered for business, fun, and thoughtful connection on our 2024 retreat. Read more about how we create community in our fully-remote team!
In this season of gratitude, our team reflects on blessings, embracing future possibilities.
2023 Summer Interns
Exceptional 2023 summer interns. We interviewed them about their experience with us.
apprenticeship you got this
Experience of a Buckeye Innovation apprenticeship shared by one of our apprentices
spring 2023 buckeye innovation retreat
The Spring 2023 Buckeye Innovation retreat was a great time for our team to get together in person.
best workplaces inc 2023
Buckeye Innovation has been named as one of America’s best workplaces for 2023 by Inc.!
buckeye wellness program -- doing yoga
Buckeye’s been working on revamping some employee initiatives lately, including our wellness program. Read on to find out more.

Through entrepreneurship and innovation, we become Buckeye Innovation.

About Us

Our vision, our mission, and our values.

Our Team

Get to know the people on the backend.

Commitment to Diversity

Through our unique qualities, we are better as a whole.

Let’s chat about how we can make an impact together.

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