Drupal Basics for Beginners

What is Drupal?

Drupal is an open-source content management system (CMS) and development framework. Effective at managing online content and user communities, Drupal powers some of the largest websites on the internet. Project founder Dries Buytaert initially began work on the platform in 2001 in an attempt to build message board software. Since that time, Drupal has grown into a community of nearly a million members who build modules, themes, and Drupal powered sites.

What Does It Do?

In a nutshell, Drupal is an effective tool to build web sites, large or small. It is almost infinitely extendable. This means that a developer can build custom functionality for almost any possible use-case. Designers and front-end developers can also leverage the extendable nature of Drupal by creating custom themes with innovative user experiences. These themes make for beautiful sites that are easy to use for customers, content creators, and administrators.

Designing with Drupal

Designers and developers can get beautiful designs and awesome functionality up and running with basic understandings of HTML, CSS, and PHP. Not to mention the help of great documentation provided by the expansive Drupal community. For customers and content creators, getting started with Drupal can be as simple and familiar as using a word processor.

Why You Should Use Drupal

Drupal is a powerful platform that powers some of the best sites on the internet. It does the heavy lifting for over a million sites on the internet and is constantly growing. It is a great space for developers and designers alike. It is even a growing space for marketers and content creators. And with the upcoming release of Drupal 8 (the latest and greatest), that growth is sure to continue.

For sites big and small, Drupal is an option to keep in mind.

For any questions you may have about Drupal, comment below or contact us at info@buckeyeinnovation.com.

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