Embrace Thanks: Cultivating a Grateful Heart


We have amazing clients who change the world every day for their customers and constituents. I’m amazed at what great things they do, and we wouldn’t have work to do or an impact to amplify without their greatness. Thank you for doing such impactful work in our community!

I’m extra thankful this year for dedicated, talented, patient team members who support each other and our clients so well. Coming off a very busy 2022, we have encountered new opportunities and challenges this year, and I can’t thank my team enough for their perseverance through it all.

My family always makes the list because they support me and my hectic, turbulent, exciting life as an entrepreneur. My girls are growing up into amazing humans, and Abbey inspires and encourages me daily. I continue to see the influence of my parents in how I approach life, and it makes me ever grateful for the amazing support system I have and the opportunities they made possible.



I can’t believe it’s that time of the year again! Time has flown by! As I reflect back on this past year, while it has come with its challenges, I feel so lucky that I have many things to be thankful for. I am thankful for my fiance Lucas and pup Hank who make me feel so loved and make me laugh so hard. I’m thankful for the health of all my family, friends, co-workers. I’m thankful for my job, our leadership, and our team who continue to support and care for one another. It’s wonderful to be surrounded by a group of people who genuinely want the best for you. 



I am eternally thankful for my wife Stephanie and for my pup-child Marty. No matter what the day throws at me, knowing I have those two to unwind with at the end of the day gets me through it. I am thankful for my health and for the doctors who are able to help me manage it. I am thankful for my job, and for all the wonderful people I get to help with my talents and skills. I’m thankful for positivity, more and more each day. I am thankful for kindness, compassion and empathy. That I am able to put myself in the shoes of others and that they can do the same for me. I am thankful for growth and the patience of others as I figure out how to grow further. I am thankful for art and for music, because without them life would be colorless and dull. I’m thankful that I’ve met so many amazing people, and that sometimes you find incredible friendships where you least expect to. 



The Thanksgiving holiday is a wonderful time to celebrate with family and friends and to reflect on all that we are thankful for. Especially lately, I’ve been trying to think about what I’m thankful for every day, not just over the Thanksgiving holiday.  I find this grounds me and reminds me of my priorities in life. Health and the health of my family are number one. Health is wealth! Family is also my top priority and I want to spend as much time with my children and their families as possible. I’m very thankful for my close lifelong friends. I’m also thankful for my job and the opportunity to build my career at Buckeye Innovation.



I’m so thankful for my wife and best friend, Caitlyn. It’s hard to overstate just how awesome it is to have her by my side and to be able to tackle whatever comes up in our lives together!

I’m also so thankful for my family – which grows more and more each year. I now have 13 nieces and nephews, and I love being their uncle! I’m so thankful for how close I’m able to be with my parents and siblings. They’re all so supportive and amazing to be around.

And then I’m thankful for my church family. We have so many close friends from our church that help and encourage us through everything. No matter what we are going through, we can always count on our church to come alongside us!



It’s hard to imagine, but I’m somehow even more thankful for my family this year! My son was born this past June and it has been such an amazing journey discovering life as a parent. I’m thankful for the friendships that have blossomed over this past year. I’m thankful for my place here at Buckeye Innovation! It is so fulfilling to be somewhere where I get to make a difference in helping others and their communities.



This year has been a whirlwind of change, between my family’s move to Atlanta and my personal relocation to Greenville, SC. Despite feeling like a nomad, being closer to extended family and enjoying warmer weather has been a real treat. What adds to this newfound adventure is my incredible roommate, Paige. Her audacity to embark on this journey with me is both a marvel and a blessing.

Through it all, my friends and family have been my rock. Their support has kept me steady through all the changes. Lastly, my role at Buckeye has been a pillar of stability in this whirlwind. Between supporting team members and carving avenues to impact clients and their communities, I feel a true purpose each day.

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I’m grateful that I have the time and stability in my life to pursue hobbies I’m passionate about. I’m also happy that my job involves solving real problems for real people! It’s good to see legitimate positive impacts come from my work.



I’m really thankful for my friends and family who’ve been there for me all year. They always make me laugh and feel better, no matter what’s happening. I’m lucky to have them in my life, and I’m super grateful for all the fun and happy times we share together. I’m also thankful for the team at Buckeye who have been super understanding about my school schedule and awkward timings. They’re the best!



I’m thankful for several aspects of my life that have helped me grow this year. The first to come to mind is Ben, my partner and biggest motivator. Ben is one of my greatest sources of joy, making perfect moments better and difficult ones easier to bear. Forever encouraging and supportive; he deserves more credit than I’m capable of giving.

I’m thankful for all the love and support of my family and friends as I’ve progressed through an anticipated career change while simultaneously grieving the unexpected loss of a loved one. It’s difficult to imagine myself here without them.

I’m also thankful for my team at Buckeye Innovation and the welcoming space they’ve created. Despite being a remote workplace, I’ve felt connected to others and appreciate the effort that goes into bringing us together beyond work, both virtually and in-person. Compounded with the ample professional development opportunities, benefits, and perks – I’m pretty dang thankful!



I’m thankful for my family and friends. They’ve supported me through thick and thin, loss and gain, and as I grow older, I grow more aware of the blessing this is. I’m thankful that I get to spend another year among excellent people! 



I am so thankful for my mom. We haven’t always gotten along in the past and the last few years have been a real struggle, but she truly is my biggest ally and my rock. And I think, now that she’s almost 83, I have become her rock as well. We both take care of each other and have grown closer as a result. I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for her.



I am thankful for my wonderful husband, Chris, and our three amazing boys, Chris, Logan, and Ethan. We don’t have much family nearby to lean on or support us, and that has made us be so much closer than we might have been otherwise.  I treasure every moment we get to spend together. I am thankful for every day that I still get hugs and snuggles from my eldest because I know those days are numbered. This year I am especially thankful that we will get to spend Thanksgiving with my brother and my parents. After not having had a holiday together in 10 years or even being all together in over 4 years, it will be a holiday my boys will always remember.  Lastly, I am so grateful to work with such a great group of talented and kind individuals here at Buckeye Innovation and I wish everyone a wonderful holiday season. 



I am thankful that my mother’s TIA did not cause any lingering effects. I’m thankful that we are able to spend so much time together. I’m thankful for my extended family. Even though we are spread out all over the country, some of us even across the pond, we remain in touch and support each other. I am thankful for my friend, Hiroko, who has been my friend for over 20 years.  I am perpetually grateful for the opportunity you have given me to be a part of Buckeye Innovation. This is one of the best experiences of my life! I learn so much every day and am contributing to good causes.  I’m happy to be part of such a mission-driven company.  I’m grateful for all my teammates. You are a talented and caring group. Thank you for helping me to learn, immersing me in your work, and assigning me tasks. I appreciate that you have taken the time to do so even when you were busy. I’m grateful for all the compassionate people in the world who choose as their chief purpose to improve the lives of others. Even in times of war, there are people who travel great distances to enter a conflict zone and help the injured. I’m grateful for people all over the world and what they contribute every day. It’s amazing, really, how much art, music, technology, medicine, architecture, literature, research, etc. they produce collectively. Of course, I always appreciate nature, the endless beauty wherever you look. I used to end my days by writing down three things I was grateful for that day. It was a great mood-lifter. Practicing gratitude has so many health benefits that it shouldn’t be relegated to just one day.



I’m most grateful for my family and friends, first and foremost. They have always been by my side, guiding me through my entire life, and most of the times when I’ve been most happy have been when they were with me. I’m also grateful for the many opportunities I’ve had throughout my life and the fact that I have the ability to enjoy many things that other people can’t.

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