Meet the bloggers of Buckeye Interactive: PAUL TELA

Picture of Paul
What is your position with Buckeye Interactive? 
I am a Web Developer who primarily works with server side technologies such as PHP and MySQL.

What has been the most challenging aspect of your position at Buckeye Interactive thus far?
Learning new technologies. Many of the projects I have worked on have required me to learn a technology or computer language I never thought I would have needed to know. Oddly enough, this has also been my favorite part of working here.

Name your favorite in-office moment. 
I’d have to say the “fire drill” we had a few weeks ago. Never a dull moment at Buckeye Interactive!

If you could change jobs outside of your area of expertise for one day what would you be doing? 
It would be fun to be President of the United States for a day or two.

What is your favorite Columbus “underground” place? 
Mardi Gras Ice Cream. Best ice cream in the city in my opinion.

What is your favorite guilty pleasure food? 
I really like popcorn.

Name your #1 Christmas wish-list item. 
Google TV box.

Paul is currently starting his honors undergraduate degree at The Ohio State University. 

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