2023 Summer Interns

Our 2023 summer interns: an update

Our 2023 summer interns have been amazing. They all have a wide range of experience in different fields, and they all came to Buckeye Innovation to further their knowledge and accomplish their goals. Their help and work have been invaluable, and we are so glad they have joined our team! We asked them a few questions about their experience with us and here is what they have to share.


Tell us about yourself. What are you currently studying in school?

  • Abdi: Currently I am going into my Senior year at New Albany High School. In the future, I plan on studying computer science in college
  • Abril: I am going to be a Junior at The Ohio State University and I am majoring in Computer and Information Science.
  • Anna: I am going to be a junior at the University of Dayton and I am studying marketing.
  • Madison: I graduated from OSU this year. I studied Anthropology and minored in Organizational Communication

Why did you decide to pursue an internship with Buckeye Innovation?

  • Abdi:  I choose to intern at Buckeye Innovation because I hope to become a computer programmer. I want to learn the day to day life of a software developer
  • Abril: I decided to intern at Buckeye because it seemed like the perfect opportunity to put into practice the skills I have learned in my Computer Science classes, as well as a great environment to learn and try new things.
  • Anna: During my interview process I was able to gain more insight into Buckeye and what they stand for. Buckeye Innovation strives to create meaningful change in communities across Ohio and beyond. Buckeye gave me an opportunity to do more than learn, they also gave me the opportunity to give back.
  • Madison: I decided to pursue an internship with Buckeye because I was impressed by their clientele and the work they’ve done. Community service has been a big part of my life and I was happy to find a workplace where that was clearly valued.

Are there any goals you hope to accomplish during your internship?

  • Abdi:  I hope to learn what being a software engineer entail. I would also like to become adept in a few new languages.
  • Abril: I hope to learn what it is like to be a software engineer and learn new skills that will set me up for success in any future job opportunities.
  • Anna: I was hoping to build my skill set and to discover more about the field of marketing. I would love to be able to walk away with more clarity about what kind of jobs I want to pursue after school.
  • Madison: I hope to learn more about project management and gain confidence and experience in the skills necessary to the role. Learning more about the knowledge and holistic skills required to create and maintain a website has been a huge bonus.

What do you like most so far about your internship with Buckeye?

  • Abdi: My favorite part about Buckeye Innovation is the team. Everyone is very welcoming and helpful. Also, anyone is willing to help me learn and grow when I ask for help.
  • Abril: My favorite part about Buckeye is the people. From my very first day everyone has always been so nice and welcoming. They care about each other, are willing to help anyone who needs it, and are passionate about the work they do.
  • Anna: The ability to pursue whatever I am interested in. The Buckeye team encouraged me to try my hand at whatever intrigued me and they have been so patient and welcoming in that regard. 
  • Madison: The people. Everyone has been so kind and encouraging, the support that is shown towards both work-related tasks and personal endeavors is really special.

What are your long-term goals, and how do you believe will this internship help you accomplish them?

  • Abdi:  In the future I want to become a software developer after I graduate college. Working at Buckeye Innovation has helped me learn 
  • Abril: I hope to become a successful software developer after I graduate college. This internship has already helped me learn new languages and skills needed to achieve my goal. This experience has helped me better prepare for when I enter the work force fulltime. 
  • Anna: I have the long-term goal of becoming an executive one day. I would love to dive more into management and be able to access my creative side. The freedom to pursue my interests has allowed me to become a more rounded individual.
  • Madison: I have various long-term goals, I’d like to study AI ethics, work in artifact repatriation, and more that keep popping up as I experience new things. Ultimately, this internship has already helped tremendously in building skills in project management, business communication, and resource allocation that are already helping me figure out how to make my goals a reality.

Want to learn a little more about our 2023 summer interns? Check out our team page and read their bios. Interested in becoming an intern yourself? Get in touch with us!


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