lemar carthens

Welcome, Lemar Carthens, Technical Support Engineer!

We are so pleased to welcome Lemar Carthens, Technical Support Engineer, to the team. You can learn more about Lemar below.


Tell us about yourself. Where are you from?

I’m a self-taught consultant from Brooklyn, NY, currently living in Connecticut.


Where did you go to school?

Capital Community College, and a slew of online college courses from various institutions.


How did you get into software engineering? What areas of your field do you like to focus on?

I started software dev while working as an IT Consultant, and realized how much I loved creating useful apps & tools. I enjoy problem-solving and delivering a solid product.


Do you have a code of ethics or a mantra that you live by when doing your work?

“Make it work, lock it down, document it, then make it fast.”


How do our core values (collaboration, initiative, ingenuity) align with your own?

The core values are keys to success in all endeavors. Proper collaboration, initiative & ingenuity equals happy clients. When my clients are happy, then I am very happy!


What do you want to learn in the next 12 months as a Technical Support Engineer? What do you want to learn about the web development industry?

The short answer: everything possible!


Tell us about your hobbies. What do you like to do outside of work?

My main hobbies are my two puppies. Other than that, I’m learning agriculture/permaculture and have some ideas on building a semi-automated urban farm.


What is the one thing most people don’t know about you?

Me! I tend to be a highly introverted person, unless I’m problem solving or nerding-out over some new library/hardware/etc.


We are always up for connecting with individuals to talk about working at Buckeye Innovation. If you think you’d be a good fit, please take a look at our careers page and reach out!

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