What We’re Thankful For This Thanksgiving

Brad Griffith

I’ve been struck this year by the generosity of our community–both the philanthropic giving and volunteering from New Albany residents and businesses as well as the selflessness of new business mentors I’ve met this year. Everyone from Les Wexner to Jane Grote Abell and Phil Heit to my Entrepreneurs’ Organization peer group has shown me and our community great generosity this year. We are undoubtedly a fortunate, privileged community, but many within our community feel a compulsion–even a selfless obligation–to give back and provide opportunity to others. I’m so thankful for the role models in my life including Abbey, my amazingly talented and giving wife, who inspires me to be a more empathetic, generous person. She inspires and teaches our daughters constantly, and our world is a much better place because of her positive influence. We have so many great role models, mentors, and community leaders here in Central Ohio, and this year I’ve come to see and appreciate their vital role in my development as a person.

Paul Tela

As always, I’m thankful for the support that I receive from my family and friends. I am incredibly thankful for my fiance Katie and her boundless belief in me. It has been a year full of learning opportunities and growth, and I am incredibly fortunate to have these people in my life. Of course, I’m blessed to be working for a great company and with wonderful people! I’m excited to see what this next year brings.

Lorraine Shill

This year, I’m thankful for my wonderful husband, daughters, family, and friends who are like family. I’m blessed a million times over to have these very important people in my life. Also, I’m thankful for my health and the good health of those I love. I’m thankful to be a part of the Buckeye Interactive Team. I really like and enjoy the people I work with and the work I do. I haven’t always felt this way about past jobs I’ve had, so this really means a lot to me. 

Tosha Studmire

This year, I’m thankful for another trip around the sun. I’m thankful for the opportunity each day brings to become a better daughter, friend, and person. Also, I’m especially thankful for my tribe of friends and family members who love me for me. I too am thankful to have a good job where the work we do is meaningful, and the company culture is positive.  

Tony Todoroff

This year, I feel like I’m especially thankful for my individuality. Some might call my personality “weird” or “odd,” but I wouldn’t wanna be any other way! I’m also deeply thankful that the people in my life are generally pretty cool with what I bring to the table. It’s unfortunately far too easy to suppress the wacky aspects of our personalities and lives in order to seem “normal” and to not stand out. I’m thankful that I realize this and that I am comfortable enough being me regardless of what the world at large thinks. Stay quirky!

Stephen Akanbi

I am thankful for life and my option to choose. I’m thankful for family, friends, and unconditional love. I’m thankful for progress eventual and change inevitable. I am thankful for opportunities provided and taken. I am thankful for the lessons without which I’d always be mistaken. 

Milica Mijatovic

As I reflect on 2019 and think about everything I’m thankful for, I am just stuck in awe. This year has been so full of adventure, happiness, love, and poetry that I honestly cannot believe how lucky I am. I’m so thankful I have such inspiring support systems in all aspects of my life. My family and friends have been wonderful as I keep moving from one side of the world to another and then another and then one more. My professors and graduate school peers have challenged me as a poet and academic in the best ways possible. And my coworkers (all of these lovely people compiled in this blog post) have supported my academic and professional endeavors from Day 1! It’s so easy to be strong with people like this rooting for me. I hope to make everyone I’ve mentioned proud! And finally, I want to say I’m thankful for everything I’ve learned this year–can’t wait to keep doing more of that with all of the people I love 🙂 

Melanie Muscolo

As I reflect on the past year, I feel so lucky that I have so many things to be thankful for. I’m thankful for my boyfriend who makes me feel so loved each day and is the kindest, funniest person I know. For my family and friends and the constant support and love they give me. I am thankful that everyone I love is healthy. For the travel and television opportunities I have had this past year. I am thankful for the opportunity to work here at Buckeye Interactive. It is truly an amazing environment to be in, and I am so grateful to be a member of this team! 

Scott Brady

I am thankful for my incredibly supportive and loving family. No matter what any one of us is going through, we know we can count on the rest of the family to be there, and I am so thankful for that. I’m also thankful that I get to spend so much time with my little niece and nephew; they are the absolute best!

Brandon Caylor

I really have a lot to be thankful for, but of course I can’t list everything. If I had to choose my top three, however, it would be family, HEMA, and my cats. One thing I’ve learned this past year is to never take your family for granted. They have been there for me for nearly everything in my life, and it’s always great to have such phenomenal support. Continuing on to HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts), I’m thankful for it because it allows me to really continue practicing healthy habits, along with reducing stresses that may come from other aspects of life. Lastly, I’m thankful for my cats because, well, they’re pretty much my children. Always waiting for me when I come home, always wanting to cuddle (especially when I’m down), and they never fail to bring a smile to my face.

Sarah Spriggs

There is always so much to be thankful for, but I feel that this year especially there is so much for me to be thankful for. I am thankful for my boyfriend who has stood by my side encouraging me, teaching me, and having never-ending patience with me. I am thankful to have a wonderful pup that loves me unconditionally and always keeps me on my toes. Also, I am, of course, so incredibly thankful to have been given the opportunity to learn and grow at Buckeye Interactive this year as I took a leap of faith to switch careers. 

Krishna Sai Mullapudi

I am so thankful to a lot of things. This year has been one of the best years so far. I started as an Intern and ended up getting full-time gig at Buckeye. Also, I moved from Dayton to Columbus, bought my first car ever. I am thankful to my parents for constantly supporting and believing in me. 

Pranav Gaikwad

This year has been so much fun. I would like to thank my parents for always forcing me to get married, and then I would like to thank myself for always finding a way out of these marriage discussions. Lol, jokes aside, I would really like to thank my family for always supporting me. I would like to thank my friends who always motivate me and show me the true side of myself. (This means they make me realize how fat I am and how much weight I have put on in 1 year.) Also, this year, my brother got married, which was wonderful. I got to meet my entire family and relatives!

Matthew Gardner

I’m thankful for my fiancée, Micayla, who’s always there to love and support me.  I appreciate her more than words can express as I write this the day after our 5th anniversary. I’m also thankful for my cats, who are perfect and can do no wrong, as well as my dog Mojo.  Lastly, my Dungeons and Dragons group for giving me a hobby I can be truly passionate about every single week.

Collin McCarty

First and foremost, I’m thankful for my beautiful wife who is honestly my rock. I’m thankful to be going into the holiday season with my family being happy and healthy! I’m also thankful for the incredible opportunity to work here at Buckeye Interactive. It’s allowed me to have more time with family, less stress, a new car, and more professional fulfillment than I’ve ever had before. Thank you to Taylor, Paul, and Brad for all that you do for us! I can’t wait for many more years to come.

Taylor Cochran

Throughout this year, I’ve found myself continually grateful for my health and my family’s health. I feel very blessed for this. I’m also thankful for my husband and the life that we plan to build together [newlyweds 🙂 ].

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