Buckeye Interactive Blog Pausing for December!

I know what you’re thinking, “but you guys are doing so well!”  The point is that we need rest. But most importantly, we need to focus and hit our goals. Buckeye Interactive has decided if we hit our goals this year, the whole team will be rewarded with a trip to SXSW!

So the best way to make sure we do both is to hit the pause button of blogging for all of December.

But to convince you with a take-away, here are some reasons why everyone should take a break this Holiday season:

  1. Holidays Are Refreshing: Staying away from something for a limited time is like hitting “Refresh” button for your mind and body.
  2. Holidays Are Better With Family: Nothing is like spending quality time with family.
  3. Who’s Really Reading In December?: OK, so people will stay home in holidays and will rush to read your blog? No! They will be busy with other things and since holiday season is a bit fast with lot of celebrations and travelling involved, people won’t pay much attention to online things!

After this, we will publish our next post sometime in January. (Hopefully it will be an announcement of an upcoming trip!)

Have a safe and wonderful Holiday and a Happy New Year!


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